Nitric Oxide Deficiency
Tired? Weak? You're not just getting old, something is wrong
Becoming tired and weak is not just something that happens when you get old. It's not normal. In fact, it need not happen at all. By staying active and getting good nutrition, you don't have to be tired or weak. Stronvivo can help. Stronvivo boosts nitric oxide production, improves circulation, and reduces fatigue, depression, and weakness.
Fatigue, appetite loss, depression and weakness... These are not signs or symptoms of getting old. These are signs that you need nutrition, including Stronvivo, and you need to be active, move more and rest less.
Here's the full article.
When Dr. Christopher Callahan examines older patients, he often hears a similar refrain. "I'm tired, doctor. It's hard to get up and about. I've been feeling kind of down, but I know I'm getting old and I just have to live with it." This fatalistic stance relies on widely-held but mistaken assumptions about what constitutes "normal aging."