How I Lowered my High Blood Pressure to 113/74
I lowered my high blood pressure to 113/74 and its been that low for several years now…
Let’s rewind for a minute…
I’m 51 years old and in the best shape of my life…
7 years ago I was a mess, 25 lbs overweight, my blood pressure was consistently 150/90, my hormone levels were in the tank, and I felt like an old man….sick and tired…
Now, I don't have to tell you what a shocked it was to realize how much my health had deteriorated…
By all outward appearances, I was killing it…two successful businesses, making good money, nice new home, two little kids…I had it all… and come to find out, it was rapidly killing me…
I kept thinking about how sad it would be for my daughters to walk down the isle without their dad being there to give them away…
needles to say, I was determined to get healthy…
I wasn’t sure how I was going to do it, but I knew I wasn’t going to go the medicine route…
Sure, my doctors suggested that I get on blood pressure medicine right away…
We discussed hormone replacement therapy…
I just didn’t want to be that guy, in my mid forties and taking a hand full of prescriptions…
possibly for the rest of my life…
Lucky for me, my doctor also suggested a series of small changes…
changes I could make that he thought might help…
he suggested that I get some rest and slow down a bit, he suggested that I eat a vegetable or two, get some exercise, take a walk and start taking a few vitamins…
Well, over the course of the next year and a half, I followed that advice…
In fact I dove in head first and spent hours and days on end reading and researching methods to lower my blood pressure, improve my hormone levels, decrease the inflammation in my body, lower my blood sugar, regain my energy and my libido and reclaim the health of my youth…
…and I’m happy to report that now my blood pressure is consistently 113/74, my testosterone level is is up over 500, my blood sugar is low and my weight is healthy, I feel like a million bucks…
and best of all, I no longer worry about sudden cardiac arrest, stroke or Alzheimers…
I’m not grumpy all of the time, I get a good nights rest and have tons of energy during the day…
my libido is back, my stamina is back and my mind is sharp again…
So How Did I Do It?
I did it by remembering the acronym D.R.E.S.S…
Diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction and supplementation….
So Diet we’ve already talked a bit about….I got the weight off quickly using intermittent fasting, just two days a week the weight come off in about 6 months…I also changed my diet to a heart healthy diet rich in Arginine, Citrulline, Carnitine Magnesium and Zinc…
Guys, I eat like a king… the best most flavorful foods that are easy and quick to prepare and actually much cheaper than eating out…grass fed beef, cold water fish, loads of fresh vegetables and fruit, nuts and seeds, beans, avocados, olive oil…
I guarantee that you’ll like a healthy diet better than whatever you are eating now…
Next is Rest….Look, the image of a hard charging, go getter putting in long hours with little rest is stereotypically American…
In much of our society, the idea that a man would need more than a few hours of sleep is viewed as a weakness…
But, there is not one bit of research that suggest any less than 7 hours of sleep for an adult male is essential..
In fact 7 to 9 hours is viewed as the optimal amount of sleep for the adult male…
Lack of sleep is associated with decreased performance, hormone and metabolic disturbances, weight gain, and systemic inflammation…
If you are not getting a consistent 7-9 hour of sleep, I suggest that you make it a priority.
I improved my sleep by simply turning off the TV and ridding my bedroom of electronics…
You may need additional strategies to get better sleep, if so, there a many good resources available…
Exercise was the next area I attacked…this is another area that can be overwhelming…
I suggest that you start easy…I started by walking 5 days per week…In the beginning, i’d set my phone alarm for 10 minutes…I’d walk until the alarm went off and then I’d walk back…
eventually I was walking for 1-2 hours per day and have averaged over 6 miles per day for the last two years…
I get up at 4:30 am, walk until 6:15 and never miss a minute with my family who sleeps until I get back home…
Now, two days per week I do strength exercise…I walk to the gym, about 2 miles from the house…I lift weights for 20-25 minutes and walk back home…super simple…and all before my family wakes up….
Stress Reduction is next on the list…again, deciding to get rid of television was probably one of the healthiest decisions I ever made…
talk about reducing stress…
Television is designed to induce stress…
everything about it is unhealthy from the sedentary position required to watch it to the blue light emitted from it, but most of all the content that pollutes you coming out of it…
Limiting caffeine also helped me relax…
another tip is to use a mindfulness app like headspace or calm… both have been shown to improve sleep and reduce stress…
Finally is Supplementation…
My doctor recommended and I started taking Arginine, Citrulline, Carnitine, Magnesium and Zinc supplements…
I followed his advice and my blood pressure normalized within about 90 days…
If you have high blood pressure You may want to try out Stronvivo…
Stronvivo is designed to be a systemic vasodilator and a nitric oxide booster…
and it’s been shown in clinical trials to help reduce blood pressure and repair, restore and rejuvenate the cardiovascular system….exactly what we’ve been talking about…
And there you have it…
That’s all I did to lower my blood pressure to a consistent 113/74…
Just remember the acronym D.R.E.S.S (Diet, Rest, Exercise, Stress-Reduction and Supplementation) and you are on your way…
To learn more about Stronvivo and how you can begin to lower your blood pressure today, click HERE…